cx journey“CEM Toolbox: Employee Experience”

By Annette Franz

Head: (4 out of 5)
Heart: (4 out of 5)
Leadership Applicability: (3 out of 5)

Hear the term “customer experience,” and customers are usually the first to come to mind. However, employees are the other part of the equation, and their experience as employees can make or break the success of your customer experience strategy.

In this article, Annette Franz, a recognized customer experience management expert, thought leader and influencer, outlines why the employee experience should be in every customer experience professional’s toolkit.  The answer is simple: the spillover effect.  The employee experience drives the customer experience.  In other words, a happy employee is more likely to go the extra mile to delight your customers!

The article outlines different ways companies can ensure a great employee experience, as well as tools to use for each:

  • Hire the right people
  • Provide a clear line of sight to the customer
  • Plot the employee lifecycle and map the employee journey
  • Gather feedback from your employees, both solicited and unsolicited
  • Empower employees by unleashing ownership and accountability
  • Show appreciation, recognize greatness

Leaders looking for tips to improve the employee experience should read this article.  Read it now.